Frequently Asked Questions Print

  • FAQ
  • 23

  • Are you operating out of the US with US employees?
    Yes, Felware is proudly based in the United States, with our headquarters and data center located in Madison, Wisconsin. We are a US-owned and operated company, and our team consists entirely of US-based employees. By maintaining our operations and workforce within the United States, we can ensure compliance with US laws and regulations, provide high-quality customer support, and foster a strong sense of accountability and trust with our clients. When you choose Felware, you can have confidence knowing that your dedicated servers are in the hands of a reliable, US-based provider.

  • Are you a direct server provider or a hosting reseller?
    At Felware, we take pride in being a direct server provider. We own and operate our own data centers and server infrastructure, which sets us apart from resellers who acquire server resources from other hosting companies and then resell them to their clients. By maintaining direct control over our infrastructure, we can offer competitive pricing and ensure top-notch customer support tailored to your specific needs.

  • Do you offer VPS or Web Hosting Services?
    Felware specializes in delivering high-end dedicated server infrastructure to our valued customers. We have made a strategic decision to focus solely on dedicated server offerings, allowing us to dedicate our full attention and resources to providing the highest quality service in this area. By not diversifying into other types of hosting services, we can ensure that our expertise and commitment to excellence remain concentrated on meeting your dedicated server requirements.

  • Could you detail the types of content and workloads that Felware permits?
    We are committed to maintaining a safe and legal digital environment for all our clients. We strictly prohibit any content or activities that are illegal or involve abusive behavior. To ensure compliance with our policies, we kindly ask our customers to review the Felware - Client Service Agreement and Felware - Hosting Service Agreement, which provide comprehensive guidelines and specific details regarding permitted content and workloads.

  • What internet speed and bandwidth can I expect?
    We are proud to offer unlimited 1Gbps bandwidth for all our dedicated server offerings, ensuring that your applications and services have ample resources to operate smoothly. To test the speed and performance of our network, you can visit and run speed tests against our infrastructure. This will give you a clear indication of the exceptional connectivity and bandwidth capabilities you can expect when hosting with Felware.

  • How long does it take to setup a custom server configuration?
    We strive to provide prompt and efficient service. Most custom server configurations can be set up within 24-48 hours, allowing you to get up and running quickly. In the rare event that your server isn't ready within this timeframe, our dedicated support team is ready to assist you. You can reach out to us at [email protected] or contact us by phone at +1 (608) 729-5888, and we'll work diligently to address any concerns and ensure your server is set up to your satisfaction.

  • Do you offer any discounts?
    We believe in rewarding our customers for their loyalty and commitment. We frequently offer special promotions, which are communicated to our clients via email or prominently displayed on our website. Additionally, you can enjoy discounted rates when you opt for our dedicated servers on 6 or 12-month terms. These longer-term commitments allow us to provide you with cost savings while ensuring uninterrupted service for your business. Be sure to check your email and visit our website regularly to stay informed about our latest offerings and take advantage of any available discounts.



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